Sunday 12 January 2014

To wear or not to wear...UNIFORM

Like many other countries in the world, our team is growing and we have a lot of people from different backgrounds.
Today, there is a major discussion on whether or not to wear a uniform.
Some may felt disguise with wearing clothes not to their liking, myself included! Can you imagine I used to wear different working clothes everyday for at least 2-3 months. Yes, 60 different attire before I start repeating my clothes ;)  I love colours. Even when I was working in New Zealand, most people wear dark coloured clothing. Me for one will always go for colours.
I know some of you think that we are doing a free walking advertisement for company, I shared the same thoughts. Over time, I realised that I am actually advertising myself and proud of wearing the T shirt ♡. In fact feeling really awkward not to. I guess everything we do, needs habit. Once you get used to it, it'll become a norm.
Plus point: no need to think of which clothes to wear. Which one I have not repeated. Lol.
Team spirit. The way I see groups from other regions wearing full uniform in their get together, in my heart it went, "Wow! Look at them, so united, so strong".
Even if you don't feel the team spirit, by wearing uniform and seeing everyone is, actually brings up each and everyone's spirit too.
I don't know about you, but myself, I have to agree that it sure looks good when everyone is in sync, so it wasn't really the matter of you as an individual want it or not. Well, at least start with wearing the uniform in the room for 1.5hours ^_^
I too do that sometimes, taking off the moment back to car as I have other date night to go to ^_*
Also a note to ponder.. I have once went without wearing a uniform and ended up being a photographer for group photos and the feeling of not able to be in the picture. So devastating. From then onwards I always leave a spare T shirt in car for just in case. Call me kiasu or whatever,  I don't want to miss another chance. *Sometimes if you are lucky, your pretty face appears in the yearly planner too!♡
It was almost like the Superheroes. You can wear your daily clothes and be yourself and when you are doing something serious, a uniform can save your day when you are at work. For me, it's easy. When uniform is on.. I'm working and I'm serious about it ;) Otherwise I'm off.. we are only friends playing cooking together ^_^

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